Chanukah Dinner! 12/10/2023
The Chanukah Dinner is back!
It's going to be on Sunday, December 10th at 4:30PM.
Please RSVP by December 1st.
Prices for members: Adults $36 Kids 5 to 12 $22 Kids under 5 are Free
For non-members: Adults $42 Kids under 13 $28 Kids under 5 are Free for more information
Reservations must be made by December 1st
by sending your check made out to
The Jewish Center of The Moriches to
PO Box 127
Center Moriches, NY 11934
If you would like to pay online with a credit card,
go to the donate link on the JCM website. Choose ‘other’ as
the donation category. You can leave a note while paying
or send an email so we know your reservation info.